Friday, October 9, 2009

Savage Nature Ad Infinitum

Civilization is but an illusion. Mankind is savage, and will always be savage. The only difference between those who existed hundreds of years ago and the population of the world today is how elaborate the illusion has become. The modern man wears a costume in order to hide his savage nature. But any businessman hoping to make it in this world must climb the corporate ladder through scheming and aggressive competition. The act of destruction is apparent in every aspect of our lives. In order to purchase food, we must hold a job which whittles away at the precious moments we have left to live. When one does purchase food, they are negating access to that food to anybody else. In the act of simply existing, we are destroying the capacity of anything else to occupy the space which you are occupying. In order to have more, somebody else MUST have LESS.

In order to maintain this structure, we accept the terms which have created it. By accepting a monetary system, we are destroying all other options. The act of participation is a direct and violent attack on all other possibilities.

We love to play along, and this is even true of populations that are considered 'lower class'. Almost any person who one encounters is attempting, in some way shape or form, to present a clever disguise. The disguise comes in the form of status signifiers. This is when one sees a homeless person attempting to look presentable, or clinging on to their cell phones which allows them to keep telling themselves that they're pretty well off.

But the point isn't to point out the flaws in the system, or the evils of this existence. The point is to simply ask, why not embrace it? The mass murderers of the world are ahead of the pack. Those who seize power and wield it ruthlessly are those who have accepted the savage nature of mankind. Why live a sub-human existence as a homeless person, forever trapped in the constructs of value and status? The only reason one suffers, is because they accept the terms of suffering. Those who have broken beyond that restriction of submission, are living out their wildest dreams and fantasies. The rest of us however, are living out the fantasy of submission. Why be nice to those around you? It isn't genuine. All acts of kindness are directly related to self gratification.

The point is, that humans are bastards. Each and every one of us, all the saints and the sinners, are savage in nature. Instead of pursuing the submissive pipe dream of a world drowning in peace, why not pursue aggression as the wheel that turns this planet?



  1. Exit Nero,
    Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the Blogs of Evil (there's no name, collective, or secret handshake involved). You've successfully staked out a rich coner of opinion, and though I see we'll disagree on some ideas, you are clearly, delightfully Malevolent.
    Keep up the Evil Work,
    -Lord Malignance

  2. I've been waiting for you to post a blog or something of substance for some time now, as every comment I've read of yours strikes me as someone I would be proud to know and align myself with.


  3. Lord Malignance,
    Thank you for the welcome. May our ideas clash in the most destructive of ways.

    I will deny you of my thoughts no longer! I look forward to many discussions.
